Winter time is stock up time with Vitamin C! Why?
The benefits of Vitamin C – supplement for the winter is the following
Boosts your Immunity
Not only is vitamin C a well-known component of your immune system, it is also necessary for collagen, the main structural protein found in connective tissue. A healthy dose of vitamin C will protect your body from infection and maintain healthy bones and teeth, as well as quicken the body’s ability to repair wounds.
Prevents Common Cold
Along with its immune functions that fight against bacteria, viruses, and infection, vitamin C also serves as an effective antihistamine that will lessen the unpleasant effects of the common cold, including inflammation, stuffy nose and aches.
Acts as an Antioxidant
Vitamin C is a powerful and effective antioxidant that protects our bodies from free radicals that cause oxidative stress. Excessive oxidative stress, or “cellular rust,” can lead to a host of severe medical conditions, such as atherosclerosis that can cause both heart disease and stroke.